Stay Social, Stay Healthy
Dr. Kiffer Card speaks with the Different Boat, Same Storm podcast about social (dis)connection, it’s impact on health, and the challenges ahead in a post-pandemic era. Check out this episode and subscribe to the DBSS Podcast for great conversatiosn on empathy amidst a global pandemic.
The Loneliness Pandemic
Co-hosted with the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, this webinar introduces the loneliness pandemic and provides a sneak peak into results from the Canadian Social Connections Survey. We briefly discuss some of the unique issues facing people living with HIV, including research from the BC-CfE looking at the impact of loneliness and social isolation.
The Loneliness Pandemic
COVID-19 has highlighted the way that loneliness and social isolation are impacting our communities. But what do we mean when we call loneliness a pandemic? What can be done to address it? And who is being left behind in loneliness research and interventions? This presentation was hosted by the BC Association of Community Response Networks.
Building Bubbles While Polyamorous
COVID-19 has placed unique stresses on people with multi-partner relationships: how do we make choices about seeing our partners from a distance or in a more intimate space? How can we form risk-reduced, ethical, social bubbles and honour all our important relationships? In this event, behavioral epidemiologist, Dr. Kiffer Card, will help us understand how we can manage our risk and apply the provincial guidelines to our relationship structures.